
Preparing for the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, connection, and celebration for many people, but it can also bring unique challenges for families raising children with disabilities. With increased pressure and heightened expectations, the holidays can lead to stress and anxiety, not only for children, but also for their parents/caregivers. We understand how...

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14 and 21 January 2021, 3rd Community Resource Fair (Virtual) for Spanish-speaking Families of Children with Disabilities

                         3ra Feria de Recursos Comunitarios en Español para Familias de Niños con Discapacidades    (esta vez en forma Virtual)   ¿Cuándo?     2 noches: Jueves, 14 y 21 de Enero, 2021 7 – 8 pm (hora Central) ¿Dónde?        Mismo enlace de Zoom para ambas noches: https://zoom.us/j/95813624760 (Meeting ID: 958 1362 4760)...

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