July 8, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

PTI Nebraska’s Informational Training Series Please join us for the following FREE online training being offered for parents and families of children with disabilities and special healthcare needs. All of the trainings provided by PTI aim to help parents and families become more informed so they can advocate for their child’s individual needs. We hope the information shared helps increase parent participation and collaboration in special education decision-making processes.

Thursday, July 8th at 10am (central time) Topic = HOT TOPICS IN SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR PARENTS

Zoom Link = Registration is required. Please click below for the registration link:

Click here:    Meeting Registration – Zoom

Once you register, ZOOM will send the links necessary to access the training. We look forward to seeing you at our training session.

Please contact Robert @ 402-403-3914 or reception@pti-nebraska.org with any questions.

Please join us for an online ZOOM session with Amy Rhone, Nebraska Special Education State Director, and Kris Elmshaeuser, Assistant Special Education Administrator. The topics that will be discussed include, but are not limited to: school renewal & acceleration for learning; returning to in-person learning/services; sharing of work done by the Special Education Advisory Committee including functional behavior assessments/behavior intervention plans; understanding graduation.

Don’t forget to register in advance for this session.