PTI & Answers4Families Webinar January 13, 2021
Disagreement Resolution Options 12:00 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m.
PTI encourages parents and school districts to work together to resolve disagreements about their child’s special education program. However, we recognize that there are times when additional support is needed to resolve a disagreement. In this presentation, participants will learn about the different dispute resolution options available to them per special education law when disagreements occur between parents and schools regarding a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). These options include mediation, state complaints, and due process. Participants will also learn communication strategies for effective participation when working to problem-solve and resolve disagreements within the IEP team and when utilizing the dispute resolution options to address important areas of concern for their child.
Please register for January 13th by clicking on this link and filling out the information requested:
Connection links and other information will be provided after registrations are received. Reminders and information for the webinar are sent the day before the webinar. You will need to connect by internet to the webinar (the link is provided via email). If your place of business has a firewall, you may have difficulty making a connection with the UNL webinar system. Check with your network admin to open: 80 and 1935 for UNLConnectserver IP
Lunch and Learn at 12:00 – 1:00pm CT (11:00am to 12:00pm MT)
Late Night Learning at 8:30 – 9:30pm CT (7:30-8:30 MT)