Transition to Adulthood (Ages 14-26)



General Resources

Nebraska Department of Education (NDE), Transition Website—There is a lot of valuable information here to help families/parents, students, educators, and agency partners in planning for a student’s adult life after high school, and helping students reach their life goals

Nebraska Department of Education, Transition Planning Guidance Document—A great document that includes important information about assessments, goals, graduation, a summary of performance, the 18-21 program, and more

Transition Planning Parent/Family Tip Sheet—(Created in partnership with NDE and PTI). Find out what transition planning is, what it includes, and who is involved

Transition IEP Meeting Agenda—(Created in partnership with NDE and PTI). Families/parents and educators can use this agenda to plan their transition meetings

Transition Timeline – A Checklist for IEP Teams—(Created in partnership with NDE and PTI). Important activities to address for students aged 13 to 21 when transition planning

Along the Way—Nebraska-based resources help people with developmental and intellectual disabilities better navigate information about services and supports that can help them meet their needs and live the life they choose.
Guide for Adolescents & Young Adults | Guide for Adults | Directory of Resources

Ready, Set, Go—A website that provides information about the services offered through the Nebraska Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). It is geared to help young adults who are preparing to transition from high school to adult developmental disabilities services

U.S. Department of Education Transition Guide to Post-Secondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities–Information to help students with disabilities achieve their post-school and career goals.

U.S Department of Education Transition Guide for High School Educators–Focuses on the transition of students with disabilities to post-secondary education

Transition to Adulthood–Great information on what is included in the plan for adulthood

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)–Resources to help improve opportunities and outcomes for students and youth with disabilities

Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center–Lots of resources to help in the transition planning process

PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment–Many helpful resources to support students in their transition planning

Just a few of the specific PACER resources you can check out:



Berkeley Career Center—Learn about the Career Essentials – Clarity, Connections, Competitiveness

My Next Move—What do you want to do for a living?

O*Net Resource Center—Interest Profiler on Career Exploration (Online assessment in English and Spanish)

CareerOneStop—Sponsored by the US Department of Labor, resources on career exploration, training, and employment (Assessments are in English and Spanish)

Here are a few CareerOneStop resources to check out (in both English and Spanish):

Career Key Resources—Lots of information and assessments to help students make informed choices about their career choices

My Future—Can research jobs and colleges on this site


Career Resources

Career Readiness Toolkit—Is your child or student a career-ready person? Great information on what it means to be career ready by Nebraska state standards

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)—Fantastic information on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues

Perkins Collaborative Resource Network—Information on building employability skills. Check out the employability checklist for a good list of skill definitions and examples

Employability Skills—A good one-pager to use in discussing being career (and college) ready


College Resources

Education Quest Foundation—Free college planning information and services. Under Resources, then Publications, you will find: “College Planning for Students with Disabilities: A Supplement to the College Prep Handbook ”

PACER Center, The ADA, Section 504, & Postsecondary Education—It’s important for parents and students to know about the ADA and 504 laws and what their rights and responsibilities are.

PACER Center, College or Training Programs: How to Decide (Tips for Youth)—Information on choosing the path that is right for you.

Think College: Questions to Ask College Program—You can use this guide to help you ask questions about a college you are interested in.

Vocational Rehabilitation

What is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab) is an employment program for people with disabilities. Voc Rehab helps these individuals make career plans, learn job skills, and get and keep a job. The goal is to prepare people for jobs where they can make a living wage and have access to medical insurance.

What is the role of Vocational Rehabilitation in transition planning?

Voc Rehab works with schools to assist students with disabilities in planning for the future. Transition services are provided by Voc Rehab at no cost to students and include:

* Orientation provides information to students in grades 9-12, the student’s family, and their teachers to introduce them to Voc Rehab transition services.

* Career Exploration includes tours of community businesses, career days, job fairs, or visits from employers. These experiences provide students an opportunity to learn about the world of work.

* Community Resources involves Voc Rehab staff assisting in locating resources to provide needed services and supports.

* Classroom Interaction consists of Voc Rehab staff working with groups of students in the classroom to explore issues related to employment. Services after graduation are often required to address employment needs. Services may include job placement, job training, and possible help with post-secondary training.

Who is eligible?

Students with a disability who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan may be eligible to participate in Voc Rehab services while still in school. Voc Rehab also serves adults and students who leave school before graduation. Voc Rehab staff will need to determine eligibility for these programs.

How do I get more information?

Contact Vocational Rehabilitation in Lincoln at (402) 471-3644 or toll-free at 1-877-637-3422. Additional information is available at  –

General VR Resources

Nebraska VR (Vocational Rehabilitation)—An employment program that helps people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep jobs while helping businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.

Transition Services Partnership Planner, Vocational Rehabilitation—Great information on how VR works in partnership with Nebraska schools to provide Pre[1]Employment Transition Services to students with disabilities.

Available Services for Teens and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities—See the differences between Voc Rehab Services and DDD Services.
English | Spanish

Job Exploration and Pre-Employment Transition Services—Two-page handout on what VR pre-employment services should include.
English | Spanish